Coming soon The Wedding

Coming soon The Wedding
Bayou Bloom

Who is your Favorite Heroine

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Going green for the weekend.

So friends I'll have you know that I've bought the corned beef, grabbed some ale along with all the other essentials and I am officially ready for St. Patrick's Day. How about your? I'm so excited this year to be spending it with family and friends.My son is really starting to take note of all the holidays now that he is five and he has got his green gear laid out for school tomorrow. I hope he finds the leprechauns he's been raving about all month :) What are you plans ? Are you going out of town or staying in? I'd love to hear from you. Until next time, wishing you all the luck of the Irish. P.S. I plan to share with you all a chapter from The Wedding very soon.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Love it.

So this weekend I went to see Oz The Great And Powerful. Everyone I knew was saying how much it disappointing them. I almost didn't go and was going to wait to netflix it. Boy am I glad I didn't. Me and the hubby went and we loved it. It was cute, it was what I expected if not a little more and it was beautiful. I hope they make a sequel.For anyone who is still on the fence about it (I doubt there are did you see all that money it brought in?) I say go and definitely see it in 3D. All this movie going didn't take me away from my writing however,in fact it inspired it the beautiful scenery made my mind whirl. I went home and mapped out one of the last scenes to the Wedding. Still hoping for a March or Mid April release. Until next time.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Is Cover Done!

This is the cover that was done for me!!! I love it. What do you all think? Are you as excited as I am to read about Margaret and Jasper?